The point between intersecting curved edges of stone or timber, eg in tracery; commonly used by carpenters to decorate the edges of braces, windbraces, struts, and other members.
A) Base cruck B) Spere truss C) Secondary truss D) Raised cruck E) Upper cruck
a) Wall plate b) Cusp c) Cusped windbrace d) Ridge piece (ridge purlin) e) Principal rafter f*) Plate g) Purlin h) Cranked tiebeam l) Ceiling beam
A) Base cruck B) Spere truss C) Secondary truss D) Raised cruck E) Upper cruck
a) Wall plate b) Cusp c) Cusped windbrace d) Ridge piece (ridge purlin) e) Principal rafter f*) Plate g) Purlin h) Cranked tiebeam l) Ceiling beam
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